Advanced Kicking Changs Taekwondo
Hello everyone! Have you heard about our Advanced Kicking Class? It’s an extra curricular class based on improving kicking techniques. We currently have two classes running at both the White Rock and Cloverdale location. However, students from all four Chang’s Taekwondo schools blue belt and above are eligible to join.Advanced Kicking Class is the first step towards becoming a part of CDT our demonstration team! During Advanced Kicking Class our instructors focus towards improving a students cardio, balance, flexibility and overall technique. This class is designed towards all ages and pushes students to improve at a consistent and healthy rate. Throughout this class we encourage our students to set goals and achieve them through hard work, perseverance and self-motivation.Advanced Kicking Class follows a two week program that switches between two core elements of kicking both jumping and spinning techniques. A class will typically begin with a light warm-up, stretching and then the main component whether it be spin kicks or jump kicks. At the end of class time will be left over to work on building muscle and learning simple yet affective exercises that can be practiced at home. This is an intensive based class built to challenge our students in a productive and efficient way. At the end of each month their will be an open test where a student has the chance to try and demonstrate the skills they’ve been developing. Advanced Kicking Class is made up of four levels Novice, Level 1 (Beginner) , Level 2 (Intermediate) and Level 3 (Advanced). Once level one has been reached you have the option to join our demonstration team and continue to grow in a new and exciting environment!We look forward to seeing you there,
for more information feel free to come and talk to your instructor!