Word of the month: Perseverance
Hello everyone! We just had our July Blackbelt test and the students did great! The restrictions only helped to affirm our student’s commitment to excellence and showed us their perseverance.Speaking of Perseverance, we have a new Word of the Month!PERSEVERANCEWhen the going gets tough, I won’t give up!Nothing can stop me from training!Our students from Chang’s Taekwondo Martial Arts in South Surrey, Cloverdale, Tsawwassen, Aldergrove and Mission are engaging in daily mat chats about this important characteristic.Some things from our early life require perseverance... and it was easier because our parents usually didn’t give us a choice!Learning how to:⁃ Tying our shoes⁃ Riding a bike⁃ Read⁃ Write⁃ Walk⁃ SwimmingAs we get older, we can choose our OWN goals and different ideas of accomplishments that will matter more to us.Such as:⁃ Promoting to a new belt⁃ Achieving Black belt⁃ Competing at a tournament⁃ Learning how to play an instrument⁃ Learning a new language⁃ Learning to cook⁃ Getting in shape⁃ Becoming flexibleNo matter what we choose to do, we will inevitably be challenged. Now that which separates the people who accomplish their goals and dreams, versus those who don’t — PERSEVERANCE.Showing up and doing the work, when it’s easy? Great! When it’s difficult? Even better! When we don’t feel like it? Definitely! Sometimes perseverance isn’t even about effort or ability.. sometimes, all we have to do is show up and do the work.Over the next month there is belt promotion testing on July 18th. This will be a big moment for some students who are training hard and practicing to promote to the next rank. Following our Belt Promotion Ceremony we will be taking our two week summer vacation! Therefore, our mission for you this month is:PERSEVERE BY TRAINING YOURSELF AT HOME.⁃ Use the Chang’s Taekwondo Application http://bit.ly/ChangsApp
http://bit.ly/ChangsAndroid⁃ Check out our Facebook groups for ideas of fun drills and challenges⁃ Stretch!⁃ Pushups!⁃ Situps!⁃ Stretch!⁃ Meditate!⁃ Stretch!