What to do after black belt
Hello everyone! We had a very exciting week—great news for our blackbelt candidates from our Exam in July. Everyone passed! Various advanced students from Chang’s Taekwondo Martial Arts in South Surrey, Cloverdale, Tsawwassen, Aldergrove and Mission tested and passed their black belt exam! They are already welcomed into their new black belt class, and they will receive their shiny new black belts on September 29th! If you see them, make sure to congratulate them on their hard work!...SO FAR...That is what we’re going to talk about today...What happens AFTER you receive your black belt in a Martial Art?The best part, and arguably the worst part of Martial Arts training, is the belt system.The belt system helps to motivate students; they can clearly see where they are on the journey and they have a clear goal: Black belt. Every few months they rank up, and they get a healthy dose of good feelings in the process, helping them along the way.The only problem, is what do we aim for after we achieve this milestone??Each school is different, however let us outline what we do at Chang’s Taekwondo Martial Arts—we think you’re going to love it!So you’ve reached black belt... it’s time to:
- Join the Black belt class
- Learn advanced techniques and continue to hone your skills
- Join an Extra Curricular class
- Learn Weapons (Nunchucks, Bo-staff, and Sword)
- Learn Advanced kicking techniques
- Learn about the sport of Sparring (it’s in the Olympics!)
- Join a Team
- Leadership team: Volunteer your time and help the next generation
- Demonstration team: Spread awareness of Taekwondo through performances
- Sparring team: Hone your skills and compete in tournaments
- Set a new goal: 2nd degree black belt!
- If you are enjoying all the benefits of training, including flexibility, stamina, strength, coordination, self defence and a great community—then why not strive to achieve something that will help define your best characteristics!
Our belt system is great, students show every day that it works well! We love to celebrate the milestones with our students as they rank up. Now let’s remember that once we receive our blackbelt, the warmup is over—so we’ll see you on the mats.
Earn your belt, every class.