Taekwondo and Rolling

Hello everyone! Here at Chang’s Taekwondo Martial Arts we train Taekwondo for the purpose of benefiting the lives our students. Our students from across the lower mainland; in South Surrey, Cloverdale, Tsawwassen, Aldergrove, and Mission join Taekwondo to be healthy, learn to defend themselves and their loved ones, join a great and respectful community (sadly a rarity these days!), and there are so many other reasons.One reason we believe you’re going to love our dojang (training hall), is that we train Taekwondo as a ‘complete martial art.’What does that mean? Complete martial art?Well, Taekwondo involves many upper body striking, and blocking techniques. Taekwondo is renowned for it’s lower body focus, our leg power and kicking abilities. What Taekwondo would benefit from is more groundwork! More throws, joint locks, takedowns, and pins.Enter: Hapkido!Our Grand Master and Master both trained in Hapkido (a Korean grappling art). The rolling, body defence, joint locks and more have made it into our training!We believe this makes our Taekwondo training, complete! Students can learn to protect themselves fromA) Themselves (bad habits and bad mindsets; discipline)B) Harmful people (Bullies, Strangers, etc.)C) FallingAdmit it we all fall! In sports, ice, snow, tripping, not paying attention, angry spouse, rotten kids, etc...So next time we practice during our rolling week, let’s take a renewed interest and dive deep into these techniques that will ‘round’ out our training!See you on the mats. 👊 [video width="1080" height="1080" mp4="https://www.changstaekwondo.ca/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/66558973-2762-40AD-8821-3F131283498F.mp4"][/video]

Daisy Jeys

Mindfulness/Yoga Teacher incorporating culinary nutrition, Ayurveda, and herbal remedies in a way that supports your journey through chronic, unresolved stress and create a lighter, more grounded, healthier way of living.


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What to do after black belt