Blog about Live-Classes

Hello everyone! We went into Spring Break with a notice that we would be closed until March 29th. Now we are keeping Chang’s Taekwondo Martial Arts locations in South Surrey, Cloverdale, Tsawwassen, Aldergrove and Mission closed for the time being. We are doing our part in #flattenthecurve by encouraging students to train from home!
We’ve had success with our Live-Stream training classes, we are able to utilize Instructors both on the mats and behind the scenes to provide feedback to each student throughout the class.
Using a setup of multiple screens, and multiple sets of eyes we are able to provide good attention to detail and make sure all students finish the lessons having had a good workout and maintaining their technical level.
We want to come out of this strong and ready to continue our Martial Arts journey. We want everyone to continue practicing safe social distancing during April.
Stay 2 metres (6 feet away from others)
Stay home as much as possible
Wash your hands (while saying the Taekwondo oath)
Stay social by joining the Live-Stream, calling friends, FaceTime, skype, etc!

Martial Arts Virtual Classes

Daisy Jeys

Mindfulness/Yoga Teacher incorporating culinary nutrition, Ayurveda, and herbal remedies in a way that supports your journey through chronic, unresolved stress and create a lighter, more grounded, healthier way of living.

Parent Tip: Important ways to keep a routine


Making Up Classes