Happy New Year 2022
Hello everyone! With our first week behind us, we’re looking toward a bright new 2022 for all our Chang’s Taekwondo Martial Arts students in South Surrey, Cloverdale, Tsawwassen, Aldergrove, and Mission. Here are a few tips for improving your taekwondo this year!
Don’t focus on goals, focus on habits and process!
Instead of getting a blackbelt, focus on practicing Taekwondo for 20 minutes daily.
Instead of promoting to the next belt, focus on perfecting my current poomsae.
Instead of doing the full splits, or touching your toes, resolve to stretch every night before bed for 5 minutes.
If you resolve to throw a pebble off a bridge on your daily walk, then you must follow through without exception! If you fail to throw one because you are rushed or forgot, and promise to throw two the next day—DON’T! Go right now and through the pebble this very day.
Here’s to your success in 2022!
Train hard, and see you on the mats!