Blog about our word of the month: Health
Hello everyone, students from Chang’s Taekwondo Martial Arts in South Surrey, Cloverdale, Tsawwassen, Aldergrove, and Mission were training their kicks this week on the mats. Everyone was working hard! To get a glimpse for this training, you can look on our Facebook pages and groups for a weekly video recap featuring some of the students training! This week on the mats was our first week with a new Word of the Month:Health!My body is strong, my brain is sharp, and I feel good!Health is wellbeing in body, mind, and spirit! Being healthy is a very broad term… we can look at a few things to gauge how healthy we are!Hydration: Do we drink enough water? It’s recommended to get around 3 litres of water every day!🥑Nutrition: Do we eat wholesome foods? A diet with fruits, vegetables, and whole grains is best!
️♀️Physical activity: Do we move and sweat enough? An average of 20 minutes or more per day of moderate movement, exercise or sports is the minimum!🥋Spiritual: Do we practice mindfulness and character building?With spiritual health we feel more connected with those around us. We notice more and enjoy our life more. We are more helpful to everyone!🧠Mental: Do we read, and engage our minds by learning?Including our emotional, psychological, and social well-being.. mental health is very important! How do we handle stress? How do we relate to others? How do we make healthy choices?
Rest: Do we sleep enough each night?Rest is essential for muscle growth, a cognitive reset and helps moving short term memories to long term!
Screen time: Do we watch too much TV? Too much tablet??There is more interesting things happening on a tablet than in real life (usually), and our brain is excited by all the flashing lights and pretty colours. 🧼Cleanliness: Washing our bodies and hands is good for our health!Washing our hands properly can remove bad bacteria and viruses from our hands and stop both the spread to others and ourselves! Try to sign ‘Happy Birthday’ twice to wash your hands most effectively.🦷Brushing Teeth: Dental health has a bigger impact on us than we think!If we fail to take good care of our mouth, that bacteria will make it’s way down into our stomach and potentially cause problems later on!You’re probably healthy right now, but can you remember when you were last sick? How did it feel? Was it avoidable? Maybe! Could you have slept more or eaten a better diet with more healthy vitamins and minerals?When we’re sick it’s difficult to perform even the most simple tasks throughout our days. Imagine now trying to instruct a martial arts class, or teach some kindergarteners, or save someone’s life as law-enforcement or a doctor. We don’t do well when we’re sick!Being healthy is important for students, teachers, leaders and Martial Artists. In order to perform our best we need to take care of our bodies. We only get one!You know what they say…“Health is wealth!”Train hard (it’s healthy!) and see you on the mats.